First of all, relax. :-)
All the data you entered into your Career Information
Database is safe and sound and nothing has been lost.
This error might happen when you include some 'formatting'
characters in your Career Information Database. For
example, when entering your duties or achievements for
a given work experience, you might have entered:
">Receive and answer telephone calls..."
instead of
"Receive and answer telephone calls..."
It's the ">" character that is confusing
EasyJob and creating all
this trouble.
here for a screenshot.
If you have several achievements for a given work experience,
there's NO need to add any 'bullet-like' characters
such as '>', '*', '·', etc... Just press the
'Enter' key after each duty or achievement . EasyJob
will understand what you mean and will format it accordingly.
You shouldn't add any formatting in the "Career
Information Database", only the "raw"
data. EasyJob will do all
the formatting with the "New Presentation Package"
Of course you may add any formatting you want (using
EasyJob's word processor
or MS Word) to all the resumes and cover letters
you create, but not to the Career Information.
It's very easy to fix this: just remove all the '>'
(or any other bullet-like character) you entered in
you Career Information Database.
The bottom line is: there's NO
need for you to do the grunt work of formatting
your data, that's what EasyJob
is for. :-) |