
Principal Curriculum Electronic resumes: how to write "scannable" resumes

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Scanner-friendly electronic resumes

From paper resumes to electronic resumes

More than 60% of large companies, and a growing number of small ones, use computers to sort the hundreds of resumes they receive.

These companies scan paper resumes into electronic resumes. When hiring managers need to fill a position, they search those electronic resumes for keywords (the same way you search the web with google or other search engines) that describe the qualifications they want in a candidate.

Resume banks, such as Monster.com, HotJobs, Jobs or Dice also search resumes using keywords.

If you don't describe your skills, education and experience using the keywords used by hiring managers (called 'skill headings') your resume won't be found and you won't get interviews!


A keyword-rich resume is of vital importance

With this new technology, a scannable/keyword resume has become an essential job hunting tool because, when these companies put your resume on file, your qualifications are ready and waiting to be retrieved, not languishing in a desk drawer.

Writing a scanner-friendly resume

Before you post your resume to a company, call the company to find out if it scans. If it does, you will need to make sure your resume’s design is computer friendly. Since companies use different scanning hardware and software, it is impossible to know for sure how to format a resume, yet you should give it an electronic make-over so that a computer can read it, and so that it can be found easily by your intended audience.

Stylistic touches that are easy on a human’s eyes may not be so easy on a computer scanner; nevertheless a resume can be attractive and still be scannable.

Keyword-rich resume content & scanner-friendly resume templates

If you use our resume builder, your resume, in addition to show a powerful content, present your skills in an impressive way, and display your achievements in a credible and convincing manner, will also be scannable.

EasyJob Resume Builder creates winning resumes without graphics or formatting that a computer might misinterpret, improving keyword searching.

Moreover, EasyJob’s list of hundreds of skill headings and skill sentences to be pasted or rewritten in your resume as well as 25,000 scanner-friendly resume templates, constitute a gold mine for you to find skills almost forgotten and a “scannability insurance” for your resume.

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